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Dé Sathairn Eanáir 27, 2007 21:14
by LM - Victims of Legal Profession Society 
Some weeks ago the Minister for Justice
wrote to John Gill in terms that indicate that his position remains that
the Law Society and Bar Counsel seff assessment disciplinary systems are
fully effective and that the Irish Courts always act according to the
Irish Constitution.
As Christine Keeler said "He Would Say That
Wouldn't He"
Now read John Gill's excellent reply.
John Gill
The Tanaiste and Minister for Justice
Michael McDowell T.D.
Dear Tanaiste,
In reply to your letter
of the 19th of December 2007, Minister there is no need to remind me any
further or any more that the Courts are subject to the Constitution and
the Law because I am fully aware that this should be the case, but
regrettably and unfortunately in many cases the opposite is the
On the year of an election Minister, we have started a
campaign to expose to the wider world how CORRUPT our Legal and Judicial
System really is at the very highest level, and I mean judges of the
Supreme Court of Ireland, Judges of the High Court of Ireland, Judges of
the Circuit Court of Ireland who AID and ABET Solicitors, Barristers &
Counsel who have prepared false Sworn Affidavits, altered and distorted
Legal Contracts to benefit themselves in the theft of money and property,
while knowing full well that this is a serious Criminal Offence, and
knowing full well until the very recent past that there were Judges on the
Bench at the very highest level who were willing and would support them
come hell or high water.
On our first outing at 40 Mespil Road,
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 to demand the return of two Original Land
Certificates held by the Bank of Ireland's Legal Advisor Solicitor Allan
Lewis that are held on bogus authority and false Sworn Affidavits, and the
handover of a CORRUPT payment of stolen money given and accepted by
Solicitor Allan Lewis who aided and abetted other Solicitors and
Barristers in the THEFT of this stolen money.
Before staging the
protest, I with two witnesses sat down with Allan Lewis and his witness;
my first demand was the handover of my Land Certificates FOLIO 6976F
County Clare and FOLIO 6141F County Clare. Allan Lewis' response was
because they were in a Company name he would not hand them over. I then
showed Mr Lewis documented evidence of the bogus authority and false
Affidavit, to which he did not reply. I then demanded the return of a
corrupt payment of E17.041.82 and Mr Lewis' answer was I got this money by
an ORDER of the High Court (A LIE).
Ten of us staged a one and a
half hour protest outside 40 Mespil Road and abandoned due to heavy
Any person who aids, abets, counsels or procures the
commission of an indictable offence is liable to he indicted, tried and
punished as a principal offender: Criminal Law Act 1997.S 7 (1).
Previously an aider and abetter was known as a Principal in the second
degree. The kernel of the matter is the establishing of an activity on the
part of the accused from which his intentions may be inferred and the
effect of which is to assist the principal (in the first degree) in the
commission of a crime proved to have been committed by the principal. It
is sufficient if the prosecution can show that the accused knew the nature
of the crime intended. It is not necessary for the prosecution to show
that the accused knew the means to be employed by the principal
While in consultation with Allan Lewis on the 3rd of
January 2007 I did not have the Order of the Supreme Court of the 5th of
February 2003 - there were in fact two Judgments/Orders. The first and I
quote: JUDGMENT delivered on the 5th day of February 2003 by FENNELLY
This ten page Judgment signed 5th February 2003 by Nial Fennelly
is ten pages of Corruption, Fraud, Deception and littered with insulting
and degrading malicious lies prepared by gangsters and fraudsters. This
Judgment delivered on the 5th day of February 2003 by FENNELLY J. was
handed to me ten minutes before my case was heard (ten minutes before the
case commenced). This case had five segments and was heard before Mrs
Justice Denham, Mr Justice Murray and Mr Justice Fennelly, and ended up in
a frenzy between the three Judges and a bunch of corrupt vultures and
gurriers on the floor of the Court which resulted in me not getting the
opportunity to complete my evidence.
Minister, it took me all of
two and a half months to get the Order/Judgment of this case from a
corrupt Supreme Court Office and so I will not get the blame for branding
all of them with the same brush. The person that I dealt with was Mary
Hennessy from whom I received an altered and distorted document, which I
do not believe was an accident, and I further say that this two-page
Order/Judgment received two and a half months after the 5th of February
2003 following much aggravation and pain is also corrupt, a total FRAUD
which contradicts itself.
Minister McDowell, you do not have to be
convinced that our Judges at the highest level are corrupt (you know they
are corrupt) and you know full well Minister that the Law and the
Constitution mean sweet damn all to many of those corrupt Judges. If the
State and the Government cannot intervene in any way in relation to the
fraud and corruption by the Judiciary and the Legal Profession which
includes serious fraud and corruption by Registrars all over Ireland then
our problem is most dangerous and serious.
Minister for Justice
Michael McDowell T.D. you referred my file to the Garda Commissioner, who
in turn referred the file to the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation. The
file was then sent to my nearest Garda Station and I was contacted by a
Detective from Shannon Garda Station, where I spent six months from July
2005 to January 2006 preparing a very comprehensive detailed file with
documented evidence to support every line and paragraph.
concern has now moved from the long delay in having our cases dealt with
to what I was told over the last two days, that Crime Correspondent Paul
Williams mentioned on The Late Late Show, something to the effect that the
Government may interfere with the investigation of the Gardai, and if that
is true it will only add insult to injury, and will show that our
Government are playing their part as collaborators in covering up
white-collar crime. I will watch the re-run of the Late Late Show tonight
Monday l5th of January 2007. P.S. A phone call just now tells me that Mr
Paul Williams was joined on the show by retired CAB boss Felix McKenna,
which indicates that there must be some truth in the news.
news in from Drimnagh in Dublin about High Court and Supreme Court Judges
aiding and abetting a Solicitor mentioned in my Sworn Affidavit of the
28th of September 2006 which caused Judge Michael Hanna to dismiss himself
from hearing my case.
The last paragraph of the first page of your
letter acknowledges that I am making allegations of misconduct against
both a Barrister and Solicitor, this is political escapism and is not
acceptable. I am not just complaining about a Barrister and Solicitor
named in my letter to you as John Hickie and Lorcan Connolly, I have also
named Registrars Patrick Wallace, Brid O'Dea, Susan Dermody and in equal
terms, Judge Harvey Kenny in this corrupt case.
In the first three
paragraphs of the second page of your letter of the 19th of December 2006,
you have listed the Registrars Committee of the Law Society of Ireland and
the Disciplinary Tribunal, which is appointed by the President of the High
Court. I have written to the President of the High Court Judge Joseph
Finnegan on numerous occasions in 2003 and 2004 with documented evidence
of serious criminal activity by Niall Casey of John Casey & Co, Ennis,
County Clare who is on the Disciplinary Tribunal, Thomas Tynan in the
Official Assignee's Office and his Legal Advisor Bill Holohan who are
involved in serious criminal activity, and Tom Kinirons, a Barrister also
involved in serious criminal activity and I may as well have written to
the Statue of Liberty as to the President of the High Court Judge Joseph
I did watch the re-run of the Late Late Show last night
and did hear the name of a Fianna Fail Minister named among the gangsters
of the underworld, and I did hear for myself that the Government had more
control than ever on the Gardai. And we hope and pray that this does not
mean interfering with the exposure of WHITE COLLAR CRIME, and this
includes Judges up to and including the Supreme Court Judges.
so-called Complaints Procedures of the Law Society, the Bar Association
and the Court Services are a Farce, a Joke, a Lie.
Minister, I am
sending you the ten page FRAUD, CORRUPT COVERUP of the 5th of February
from the SUPREME COURT, signed by Supreme Court Judge Nial Fennelly on the
5th of February 2003 which was handed to me 10 minutes before the case
commenced on the 5th of February 2003. I am also sending you the two-page
Order/Judgment of a corrupt case that was never complete. Two pages
received two and a half months after the so-called hearing of the case was
over, following a traumatic period of aggravation and pain. I am also
including my third Affidavit of Jayne Maguire V John Gill that contains
seventy-four pages in total that caused Judge Michael Hanna to dismiss
himself from hearing my case, sworn on the 28th of September
This seventy-four page Affidavit clearly demonstrates the
reason for the cover-up by the Supreme Court, the conduct of John Casey
& Co, Ennis, Co. Clare, the conduct of Thomas Tynan and Bill Holohan
of the Court Services Office in Smithfield, Dublin 7 who were appointed by
Judge Joseph Finnegan, President of the High Court. It also gives a
synopsis of the late Judge Sean O'Leary and Barrister Brian McInerney.
There is much more to come about the appalling conduct of Judge O'Leary on
the Bench and about many other corrupt Judges.
There is great
concern by many of our members that you Minister, never get to read about
the serious misconduct of the Legal and Judicial Profession and for that
reason I will post this letter on the website of Victims of the Legal
Profession. I will also distribute it in book form at your annual
When you complain to the Law Society, you are
guaranteed a life of humiliation, threat and intimidation carried by the
combined efforts of Solicitors, Barristers, Judges at all levels up to and
including the Supreme Court of Ireland.
When you complain about a
Solicitor to the Court Services Office in Smithfield they first make
contact and collude with the Solicitor who will then saddle you with a
large bill and then drag you through the corrupt, so-called Taxation
system which is a money-grabbing slush fund for the corrupt legal
Minister McDowell, Leader of the Progressive Democrats, I
have a letter from a Solicitor who lives quite close to your holiday home
in County Roscommon who suggests that we press for the establishment of
the Office of "Public Solicitor" as opposed to State Solicitor, set up in
Dublin and the Provinces. In my opinion a very good suggestion, a letter
that will be shown you by your members. The suggestion is that this
Solicitor deals exclusively with Victims of the Legal Profession. This
honourable man said in his letter that if even one quarter of the
allegations were true, then it would represent a very serious situation
warranting Government intervention.
My suggestion is that if the
Judiciary acted within the Law and Constitution as they have taken an OATH
to do, then there would be very few problems. We do know that there are
some Judges who are not corrupt and operate within the Law and the
Constitution. My suggestion to you Minister is to nominate a half dozen of
law-abiding Judges, if you can find a half dozen, to deal exclusively with
our members until the backlog is cleared up.
There was a suggestion
some two years ago that it would take the intervention of Judges from
outside the Jurisdiction to clean up this mess but we have since
discovered that there are good decent honourable Judges operating
Before there is any more damage caused to our Legal System we
now urge you Minister to nominate at least two or three honourable Judges
to get at least some cases out of the way and alleviate some of the stress
and strain that many people are suffering all over the country.
await your response to the above positive suggestion and hope you will
look positively on a very sensible way out of a most dangerous situation
if it is allowed to fester any longer.
Yours Sincerely
Copy to:
The President of the Law Society of Ireland
The Bar Association of Ireland
The Bank of Ireland, Mespil Road,
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 for the attention of Allan Lewis
The website of
the Victims of the Legal Profession
To be distributed at our meetings
throughout Ireland and beyond
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Jump To Comment: 1 2All it takes for evil to prosper is that good people remain quiet.
John Gill is a good man and he has shown that he will not be silenced. The legal system must not alone be straight, but MUST BE SEEN TO BE STRAIGHT.
Otherwise what kind of country and civil society will we be. Minister McDowell is idealy placed as a lawyer, as a grandson of one of this state's founders, as Justice Minister and as Tanaiste, to put in place the structures that will ensure that OUR COURTS AND LEGAL PROFESSIONS ARE SEEN TO BE STRAIGHT.
His colleague Mary Harney has shown him the way by taking on the Medical profession and putting in place a disciplinary committee with a majority of lay people. This is the model for straightening out the Law Society and the Bar Council. In regard to the Courts, John Gill's suggestion of setting up the office Public Solicitor seems like a great idea.
If McDowell fails in this, he fails in everything.
While deeply appreciating the powerful and impressive efforts of John Gill, and his close associates, I fear he will not be taken anywhere useful by Justice Minister Michael McDowell TD.
My lengthy experience of trying to deal with Justice Minister McDowell TD leaves me believing that he is as crooked and as corrupt as you could possibly find ANYWHERE on earth - in addition to being a dangerously deluded bully of the worst kind imaginable.
Consider for example the way he absolutely refuses to acknowledge the "To Whom It May Concern Letter" from my GP (Dr McCavert), which I pointed out to Minister McDowell in the second paragraph of my letter (sent through the registered post) to him at the following address:
On account of the way he continues to ignore Dr McCavert's letter, I've ended up feeling that I'm trying to deal with a "human monster" of some kind - that is how I have come to think of Minister for Justice McDowell TD.
And it's not just the "To Whom It May Concern" letter from my doctor that Minister McDowell is completely ignoring: it's EVERYTHING of significance I have mentioned in the letter text at the above address - including the violations of Bunreacht na hEireann (Constitution of the Republic of Ireland) I pointed out to him.
Allowing for the way he continues to blatantly pervert the course of justice in my particular case, regarding the Republic of Ireland's Article 13 ("Right to an effective remedy") of the European Convention of Human Rights Act 2003, there is no doubt whatever in my mind that a lengthy spell in jail for Minister McDowell would be entirely in order, and that it is in fact already long overdue in his particular case I believe.